Infected with AIDS, the body produces specific antibodies against HIV. The main basis for our current diagnosis of AIDS is the determination of the presence of AIDS antibodies in blood. But it takes weeks to months to produce antibodies to AIDS from HIV infection to the body. During this time, due to the lack of sufficient antibodies in the body, the diagnosis of AIDS is not possible. This is the window for AIDS.
The length of the AIDS window is related to the time the body produces antibodies. Many friends called to ask about the time of the window period. Some asked whether it was 2 weeks or 1 month, and some said whether it was necessary to wait for 6 months or even 1 year. How long is the window period? The time for the body to produce antibodies is not the same as everyone, but there are individual differences. Some people produce antibodies quickly, only 2 to 3 weeks. Some people produce antibodies slowly and take months, but most people will produce antibodies within six months after they are infected with AIDS. In other words, the window of AIDS generally does not exceed six months. According to relevant information, HIV antibodies appear in the blood 2 weeks after HIV infection in the human body. More than 95 % of people can detect HIV antibodies one month later, and individual antibodies appear later.
The length of the AIDS window is also related to the sensitivity of the reagent. When the reagent is highly sensitive, it can be detected when a small amount of antibodies can be produced in the early stage of infection, and the window period is short. If the reagent is not sensitive, it must wait until the body can produce a large number of antibodies before detection, and the window period will be long.
People who produce antibodies in the post-HIV section can produce antibodies within a few weeks. If a third-generation reagent is used, the window period is 3 to 4 weeks. Therefore, it can be tested at a regular medical unit 3 weeks after suspicious exposure. Some people produce antibodies slowly, but generally no more than half a year. The first test result was negative, and it can be tested again every 2 to 3 months, twice in a row. If all three times are negative, AIDS infection can generally be excluded.